
Digital Marketing News in September 2021

5 simple steps to writing and marketing the best copy for your brand

In a cyber-world dominated by dancing cat videos, celebrity melt-downs and Google knows what else, how is a modern digital...

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Digital Impact Awards header image

Forget the Oscars: 5 reasons to enter business awards instead

There you are under the spotlight, thanking your mother, your father, your fantastic production team and your dog Matthew McConaughey...

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click consult part of ceuta group logo

How to secure the future of guest blogs

Do you rely heavily on guest blogs? Are you currently running for the hills? Stop For a long time now,...

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Twitterquette tips to save your brand's reputation

‘Twitterquette’ tips to save your brand’s reputation

From the McDonald's hash-tag that turned into a bash-tag, to Tesco's scheduled tweet that read "it's sleepy time, so we're...

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8 best practices for writing content

8 best practices for writing content

Have you seen our content marketing blog post on The Drum website yet? If you're looking to enhance your content...

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Tips for running effective Facebook competitions

Tips for running effective Facebook competitions

Come on, you must have been tempted at some point... “Like our page and share to win a brand new nut...

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Producing content which meets the needs of your audience

Think topics, not keywords

When you are delivering content as part of an inbound marketing strategy it is important to consider what the intentions...

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The demise of fluffy online content

The demise of fluffy online content

Content and link farms are dead. No longer is a vast quantity of barely legible, keyword-packed writing going to bring...

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January detox – for body, mind and website!

That extra mince pie seemed like a good idea at the time… But with a new year comes new promises...

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Knowledge Base Google Plus

10 five-minute tips to transform your Google+ experience

After a rocky start Google+ now boasts over 500 million global users and is the second largest social network on...

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Seven key things your content brief needs to include

You are in need of top quality content and have writers waiting for your brief, keyboards at the ready and...

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How Search & PR can work together

Every day a journalist’s inbox is filled with press releases. Badly written ones and well-written ones, relevant and completely irrelevant,...

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How To Write a Reconsideration Request For Google

How To Write a Reconsideration Request For Google

This content was updated in January 2024. For site owners, being hit with a penalty from Google can be a...

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Social Media Strategy

Finding that perfect social blend

Are you a follower, or do you want to be followed? It’s one of the biggest conundrums that businesses face...

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