
Changes to phrase and exact match in Google AdWords

Changes To Phrase And Exact Match In Google AdWords

It’s been noted as ‘the end of exact match’ and ‘the biggest change to AdWords since enhanced campaigns’, by many...

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Secure sites receive boost from Google in SERPs

Secure Sites Receive Boost From Google In SERPs

"Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do...

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Has the internet changed the way we speak

Has the internet changed the way we speak?

When Alexis de Tocqueville said: “the genius of democracies is seen not only in the great number of new words...

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carmen geek photo

It’s official: We’re the biggest geeks!

Well maybe we’re not the biggest geeks in the world but we are among the biggest… Earlier this year, Marin...

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Google rolls out ‘Pigeon’ algorithm as organic search continues to change

Google rolls out ‘Pigeon’ algorithm as organic search continues to change

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss...

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Identifying and achieving the commercial targets of your website

It’s a bullseye! Identifying and achieving the commercial targets of your website

Those of us lucky enough to remember the outbreak of rumours surrounding the millennium bug in September 1999 and the...

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PPC advertising: reaching your target market through geographic targeting

PPC advertising: reaching your target market through geographic targeting

Using AdWords offers many benefits for businesses; it equips users with multiple options to help them to reach their target...

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Facebook manipulate 690,000 news feeds as part of a psychology experiment

Facebook manipulate 690,000 news feeds as part of a psychology experiment

Social network, advertising juggernaut, science lab Facebook has been called many things over the years, some positive, some negative and...

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Google Shopping

Google Updates Shopping Feed Specifications

Over the last year, the team at Google have worked tirelessly to make sure both retailers and consumers are getting...

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Google Brand Awareness

Google Ads increase brand awareness by 6.6%

A recently published study by Google and Ipsos MediaCT has helped to shed light on the [digital] age old question:...

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Click Consult is a Top 100 Digital Agency

Click Consult is a Top 100 Digital Agency

Here at Click Consult we are thrilled to announce that we have been ranked in the definitive Top 100 Digital...

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Google releases ‘right to be forgotten’ form, in response to EU ruling

Google releases ‘right to be forgotten’ form, in response to EU ruling

In response to the European Union’s “right to be forgotten” ruling, which we posted about last month, Google has launched...

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Shackling your business – how to lose traffic and alienate search engines

A large number of you will know the true meaning of the term marketing. Whilst many think it alludes to...

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The launch of @TheShort_Cutts

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of The Short Cutts’ very own Twitter account, @TheShort_Cutts Since its launch in March...

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