

A day of cutting edge search insights

Like the Pied Piper of search marketing, we’ve rounded up the industry’s top speakers and we’re bringing them to Manchester...

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Top 4 on-page SEO mistakes & how to fix them

Gone are the days (ie, the 90s and the 2000s) when the search engine Gods accepted offerings such as keyword...

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The pros and cons of social media infographic

The Pros and Cons of Social Media [Infographic]

One of the first steps to social media marketing success is identifying which channels to focus on. From established sites...

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Mobilegeddon hero image

Google’s Mobile Algorithm Update…Not The End Of The World?

A month on and the smoke has cleared: has Google's mobile algorithm justified all the hype? In February this year,...

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Northern Marketing Awards 2015

Celebrate your success story at the Northern Marketing Awards

Bag yourself a big purple N at the marketing Oscars of the north The third annual Northern Marketing Awards are...

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5 great ways to grow your social media audience - hero image

5 surefire ways to grow your social following

With over two billion active social media accounts in the world today, it’s no surprise that brands see social as...

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paid search attribution in gogle analytics

Attribution revolution

Evaluating the overall effect of ads has always been a tough cookie to crack Click's PPC team uses various systems...

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We're a top 20 search marketing agency

We’re among the UK’s best

Analysis released by The Drum this week has placed Click among the top 20 search marketing agencies in the UK...

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Click’s a finalist in The Drum Search Awards

Click’s been announced as a Drum Search Awards finalist and we’re prouder than Kate, Wills and David Cameron combined We’re...

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3 clues your sites been hot by googles mobile algorithm

3 clues your site’s been hit by Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm

It might not have made as many headlines as the royal baby news or the General Election, but Google's mobile-friendly...

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Has the secured loan industry been hit by Googles Payday Loans updates

Has the secured loans industry been hit by Google’s Payday Loans updates?

The secured loans market is predicted to double in size to over £1billion within the next three years, according to...

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Click Consults benchmark Search Conference header image

We’re celebrating the launch of our Benchmark Search Conference

We’re very excited here at our Hooton headquarters. Why? Because this June we’re hosting our very first (of many, we...

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Pet care companies on the SERPs

In the UK, we are a nation of pet lovers and as such the pet care industries are big business....

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Mobile is here!

On the 26th February 2015, Google rocked the SEO world by announcing that they would be releasing an algorithm update...

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