
5 things about bing shopping

5 things about Bing Shopping

Bing Shopping Campaigns have been running in the US for some time and are now available to UK advertisers Online...

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70% traffic drop

Why has my traffic dropped 70% overnight?

With the Panda 4.2 change to the Google Algorithm due by the end of the year and an official webmaster...

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Content marketing eBook

Creating conversations: Introducing our new content marketing eBook

Is content marketing just a buzz phrase? The expression may be new but, since Michelin launched its guide to help drivers...

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Award announcement

Click Consult shortlisted for UK Digital Experience Awards

In what has been a steady stream of top recognition Click Consult has been shortlisted for several marketing awards the...

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100% Pure

Authenticity in content marketing

Unfortunately you can't buy authenticity - but that's okay, you already have it 'Of undisputed origin and not a copy;...

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UK search awards banner

UK Search Awards 2015

Click shortlisted in prestigious UK Search Awards' 'Best Large SEO Agency' category Following a string of shortlist appearances for the...

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Copy Cat

What’s Google’s policy on duplicate content?

According to Google's John Mueller, there's no duplicate content penalty, but it can still cause problems for your site in...

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Our Claire House fund tops £30K after Ball

On Friday, we were privileged to sponsor and attend the Chester Ball at the Pavilion Suite, Chester Racecourse: a glittering event to...

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Pharmacy Header Image

LloydsPharmacy campaign shortlisted for DMA award

Click's campaign on behalf of LloydsPharmacy's Online Doctor has been shortlisted for yet another award for outstanding search strategy Although...

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remarketing header

Remarketing, remarketing, remarketing

In this Knowledge Base we approach, with understandable caution, another key term in search marketing. Upon reaching a satisfactory nearness...

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What is technical on-page optimisation?

SEO is an industry filled almost to brimming with terms and phrases that can worry those outside the industry, but...

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Twitter News Smart Watch

Twitter News (Twews?)

It's been a busy couple of weeks insofar as Twitter is concerned, but we've not had the time to address...

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hands holding a tablet

10 P.R.O. tips to help optimise your PPC potential

Today’s Knowledge Base takes some things for granted – if you have optimised your page, are producing great content and...

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How hospitality businesses can supercharge their search strategies

If you're in the hotel, travel or leisure industry, you'll know that keeping ahead of customer demands and technological trends is essential to...

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