

Searchmetrics’ Shyam Dattani on search trends for 2016

We asked Shyam Dattani, a digital marketing specialist at search insights provider Searchmetrics, his views on the biggest search trends for 2016...

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Outreach 101

Outreach 101

Otherwise known as ‘influencer marketing’, outreach became a vital part of a link building strategy as social media and blogging...

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A Beginner's guide to data-driven SEO

What is data-driven SEO?

The term 'data-driven' is one you will see appearing with increasing regularity in all areas of marketing, and one which...

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how to plan your content

How to plan your content

Content marketing has become so mainstream in the UK that 30% of companies employ content professionals in-house, according to research on...

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Why your site structure is so important

Why your site structure is so important

Site navigation: structure, XML maps, link juice and more... Navigability is an important part of both the customer journey and...

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A guide to hiring an SEO agency

A guide to hiring an SEO agency

When your search marketing needs outgrow your in-house skill-set or capacity, engaging an agency can be a cost effective and flexible...

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Twitter Coin

Are recent changes designed to make Twitter profitable?

Recent changes to the social media platform have drawn its users’ ire, but are they the latest in a line...

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Year in social media

Best practices for sharing on social media – Part 1

The power of sharing is what sets social media apart from other marketing channels. When someone shares your post, they're...

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Blogging 101

After listening to our readership, the 101 blog series will start to tackle introductions to important aspects of search marketing...

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Ask the expert Carmen Jones

As a digital advertiser, what does ad blocking mean for my business?

It’s become a subject of much debate in the media, but do ad blockers mean that online advertising has had...

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Keyword Strategy Header

Developing a keyword strategy

Keyword research is a vital part of any SEO campaign, whether it is used to mould on-page copy, or to...

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Googles RankBrain

What is RankBrain?

RankBrain’s been getting a lot of media exposure recently, but it’s actually been part of Google’s core algorithm for quite...

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The Drum Supplement

Drumming up answers to your search marketing questions

In conjunction with the award-winning editorial team at The Drum, Click Consult has assembled a number of thought-leading articles, demonstrative...

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Brand story header

Developing a brand story

‘Brand story’ is another of those buzz phrases that seem to bubble to the surface with little or no explanation,...

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