

Paid search keyword strategy SlideShare

Following the popular recent paid search keyword eBook, Click Consult has distilled the information into an easy to comprehend seven...

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Click Consult’s campaigns make the list for the Performance Marketing Awards

Having been leading the way in the increasingly important field of campaign marketing, Click Consult’s efforts are paying dividends for...

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How will the changes to Google’s ad layout affect paid search performance?

On Friday 19th February, Google announced that ads will no longer show on the right sidebar for desktop search results...

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a day in the life of steph walker

A day in the life of Steph Walker, Content Executive

This month we drop in on Steph Walker from our Content Team to talk about wordsmithery, shenanigans and Game of...

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How to be an outreach superstar

How to be an outreach superstar

Outreach is a powerful way to expose your brand to relevant audiences, create a buzz around your brand and develop...

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Googles Webmaster Guidelines image

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines: What the updates mean

The latest updates to Google's Webmaster Guidelines, which are designed to give greater clarity to site owners about what Google is looking...

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Google Terminator Header

Google to attempt to combat extremism and radicalisation

With increased acknowledgement from world governments that much of the radicalisation that takes place does so online, Google’s own Doctor...

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Oxfam blog image

Click appointed by Oxfam

We're delighted to announce we're working alongside Oxfam on an organic search project Oxfam has selected Click Consult to deliver...

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PPC Calculations Header

PPC Calculations

There are some key calculations involved in judging whether a PPC campaign has been a success - and though some...

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PPC Buyer's Journey

Understanding the PPC buyer’s journey

Even for those involved in paid search, the journey a buyer embarks upon before reaching the point of conversion can...

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RAR rankings name Click Consult the 7th Best Agency in the North West of England

In a top 100 dominated by the South-East and specifically London, there are some areas of the North holding their...

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Conversion rate optimisation 101

Your website could be working harder and making even more profit. Even if you’re happy with your current conversion rate,...

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Click Consult appointed by etyres and truprint

Truprint & etyres join our growing client list

We've started 2016 on a high, having won two new household-name clients: etyres (SEO) and Truprint (PPC) Click Consult has been selected...

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A guide to hiring a PPC agency

A guide to hiring a PPC agency

There’s a lot more to PPC (pay per click) than simple text ads. It's a specialism in its own right...

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