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Google Analytics spam – getting a clean view

In Part 1 of our 'Tackling GA spam' series, we examined the hot topic of language spam, what it is,...

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Using screen size and media queries for email marketing

As of September 2016, Gmail began supporting cascading style sheets (CSS) removing one of the final barriers to the use...

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How to optimise for voice search – SEO best practice can prepare you for the future of search

There is little doubting that voice search will one day overtake that entered in to a search bar, but even...

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How to be a social influencer

Influencers may be social media’s most powerful commodity in terms of branding - and you don't have to be a...

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Benchmark 2016 Header

A look back at Benchmark Search Conference 2016

The second of Click Consult’s Benchmark Conferences, 2016 saw attendees double in number and some fantastic guest speakers – here...

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Dealing with language spam in Google Analytics

Noticed your referral sessions are up and spotted a sinister looking culprit in your GA language report? Then it’s likely...

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how to craft the perfect blog post

101 – How to craft the perfect blog post [including tips and templates]

There's no doubt I've set myself a tall order with the title and aim of this post... But here I've...

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That year in search marketing [2016]

In order to make everything a little easier to access, we’re combining our weekly (sometimes weekly) search news blogs in...

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Search marketing in 2017 [predictions infographic]

2016 has – at last – come and gone. We can look forward to a continuation of Click Consult’s 2016...

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Click Consult: award winning search and digital marketing agency – 2016

2016 was a great year for Click Consult, with gains made in various rankings and an award win for campaign...

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The evolution of influencer marketing  

As we’re sure you have heard, two of the most significant developments in the last 18 months have been the...

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Knowledge Base – Expanded Text Ads

Pay per click (PPC) is essential for any business serious about their online visibility. It is a proven model for...

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mobile first for PPC

PPC in a mobile-first world

More searches now take place on mobiles than other devices and, with Google's recently announced mobile-first approach, it's time for advertisers...

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Best practices for reputation management

Businesses across the UK and indeed around the world are constantly vying for a larger share of their market. They...

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