

5 ways to embrace user-generated content (UGC)

Building an authentic dialogue, showing you know - and appreciate - that customer advocates love your brand, and motivating them...

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How to: use “id”s with your header tags to link to sub-sections

If you’re writing in-depth articles or how-to blogs, it’s sometimes a good idea to give readers a way to skip...

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This week in search marketing [13/08/18]

This week in search looks at Google harvesting data, new security features in Google Ads and more... Monday Google harvest...

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Why Google Quality Rater Guidelines are vital for boosting performance

If you want to get anywhere in search then it helps to keep Google on side. The search engine, as...

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this month in social media

This month in social media (July)

Video seems to be the main focus point for July, with Facebook adding functions to their groups and the introduction...

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Knowledge Base – Deep links and app indexing

Strangely for us, this is one of the few areas that we haven’t really covered in terms of search marketing...

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The importance of communication [ VLOG]

What are the most important things we consider as a search marketing agency when building and maintaining relationships with our...

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this week in search marketing

This week in search marketing [23/07/18]

This week in search looks at 'speakable' schema markup, Facebook's financial fortunes, the move to HTTPS and more... Thursday Google...

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Click Consult up for five UK Agency Awards

Click Consult has once again been shortlisted for industry-wide recognition after being nominated for five awards - three of them...

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Growing business through clear SEO strategy

For businesses, getting their strategy right can be the difference between success and failure. We ask Click Consult's Head of...

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Conversational search and query variants

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, voice search is growing and it is now a cornerstone of...

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More award nominations for Click Consult

In what has been a fantastic 12 months for the team here at Click Consult, we are delighted to announce...

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Discovering search terms in Search Console – 101

While you can spend as long as you like attempting to rank for keywords you want consumers to find you...

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Google Speed Update is now live!

The day finally arrived and Google has announced that their Speed Update would roll out to all users from yesterday...

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