
Google rewards click with premier partner status for eighth consecutive year

Click Consult retains Google Premier Partner status for 8th consecutive year

While the Premier Partner status itself places Click Consult among the top 3% of agencies providing Google Ads services, retaining...

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blog header magnifying glass on keyboard to represent digital investigation

An investigation into user pain points within the customer journey

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Boost your profits with digital window-dressing

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future of machine learning in search is not chatGPT or Bard_Blog Header - a robot sits with a laptop

The real future of machine learning in search is not ChatGPT or Bard – here’s why

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The role of paid search in brand awareness Blog Header

The role of paid search in brand awareness

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click consult and paid media 2023 awards finalist badge

Click Consult & UK Paid Media Awards 2023

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Are you ready for ga4

Are You Ready For GA4?

We’ve previously discussed Google’s announcement that as of 1st July 2023, Universal Analytics will stop processing hits - meaning that...

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blog header for in focus article

In Focus: seasonality and customer perceived value

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The TikTok algorithm and how to use it to your business’s advantage header

101: The TikTok algorithm and how to use it to your business’s advantage

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Search and Digital Marketing Forecast header image for SEO predictions featuring a moon, a full sunshine and cloudy day with social media service icon

Social media predictions for 2023

Creative campaigns have experienced huge growth over the last few years – brands prior to the pandemic were experiencing the...

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Search and Digital Marketing Forecast header image for SEO predictions featuring a moon, a full sunshine and cloudy day with digital pr & content marketing service icon

Content marketing and digital PR predictions for 2023

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Search and Digital Marketing Forecast header image for SEO predictions featuring a moon, a full sunshine and cloudy day with paid media service icon

Paid media predictions for 2023

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Search and Digital Marketing Forecast header image for SEO predictions featuring a moon, a full sunshine and cloudy day with organic search service icon

SEO predictions for 2023

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type writer for authorship best practices

Authorship best practice

This article explores the impact of authorship indicators on a website; specifically the benefits of author bios and author pages....

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