Insights - Social Media

This month in social media - October

This month in social media (October)

October brought many updates in the social media marketing world, with Facebook continuing to remove more pages and accounts for...

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Content strategy & SEO – it’s a match! – Nisha Ram’s Benchmark 2018 talk

Deloitte’s Digital Content Strategist Nisha Ram walked the Benchmark audience through the brand’s work to ensure positive feedback between SEO...

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This month in social media

September brought changes in social media for a lot of channels, mainly for consumers rather than marketers, with Facebook leading...

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Benchmark Search Conference 2018

With a brand new venue and welcoming a new host, Benchmark returned to Manchester twice as large and just as...

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5 ways to embrace user-generated content (UGC)

Building an authentic dialogue, showing you know - and appreciate - that customer advocates love your brand, and motivating them...

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this month in social media

This month in social media (July)

Video seems to be the main focus point for July, with Facebook adding functions to their groups and the introduction...

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This-month-in-social-feb 2018

This month in social media (June)

June has been a big month for Facebook in particular, with the platform testing out a variety of new features...

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3 ways social media can boost organic traffic

While Google maintains 'social signals' don't directly impact on rankings, it's one of the best methods for boosting organic referral...

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this month in social media

This month in social media (May)

May has been a busy month for users of Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, with many trying out new technologies and...

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Knowledge Base – Facebook battles back. What we learned from F8

With Facebook hitting the news in recent weeks for the wrong reasons, we though it only fair that we looked...

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Walkthrough: Using native analytics in YouTube Studio (beta)

Previously called YouTube Creator Studio, YouTube Studio (beta) began rolling out in 2017 as the new platform to manage your YouTube...

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5 things you didn’t know you could do on Facebook

So you thought you knew everything about Facebook? Think again. You may not be using it to its full potential...

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Explain influencer marketing in under 5 minutes

This is the challenge I put to Lucy and Steph from our Content Marketing and Campaigns Team here at Click...

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This Month In Social Media – February 2018

February has been a busy month in the social media world, with many of the big hitters updating their ease-of-use...

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This month in social media – January 2018

The New Year brings with it some major new updates and changes to social channels, meaning amends are needed to...

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