Insights - Social Media

Facebook manipulate 690,000 news feeds as part of a psychology experiment

Facebook manipulate 690,000 news feeds as part of a psychology experiment

Social network, advertising juggernaut, science lab Facebook has been called many things over the years, some positive, some negative and...

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Google Places goes social with latest feature

Google Places goes social with latest feature

Can Google hear you? You bet they can The design is simple: a white page, a colourful logo, a search...

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Facebook clamps down on spam

Facebook can be a great tool for companies, helping them to communicate with their target audiences and to raise awareness...

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How to adapt your business’ Facebook page to the new design

There were signs of this a few months ago but the time has finally come for Facebook to rock the...

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Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

After a Pinterest-driven surge in sales within the retail sector, the pinboard-style image sharing site has become a goldmine for...

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How to secure the future of guest blogs

Do you rely heavily on guest blogs? Are you currently running for the hills? Stop For a long time now,...

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Twitterquette tips to save your brand's reputation

‘Twitterquette’ tips to save your brand’s reputation

From the McDonald's hash-tag that turned into a bash-tag, to Tesco's scheduled tweet that read "it's sleepy time, so we're...

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Tips for running effective Facebook competitions

Tips for running effective Facebook competitions

Come on, you must have been tempted at some point... “Like our page and share to win a brand new nut...

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Knowledge Base Google Plus

10 five-minute tips to transform your Google+ experience

After a rocky start Google+ now boasts over 500 million global users and is the second largest social network on...

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Social Media Strategy

Finding that perfect social blend

Are you a follower, or do you want to be followed? It’s one of the biggest conundrums that businesses face...

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Social media by Justin Bieber- why it won’t work for all

With over 47 million followers on Twitter (around one million more people than live in Spain), would it be fair...

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How To Pinterest Interests

How To: Change My Interests on Pinterest

It’s safe to say that Pinterest has become my most recent fascination; however, we aren’t without our differences As you can see...

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The Small Business Guide to Getting Started on Facebook for Free

Creating a page for your brand on Facebook is really easy. Below, we’ve broken the process down into four steps....

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David Olgivy

8 Things You Can Learn from David Ogilvy

Born in England in 1911, David Ogilvy was a man who was hailed in the 1960s as “the Father of...

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Social media content

Social media content: How to never run out

I often discuss the numerous benefits of consistently producing and posting valuable, original and engaging content on your website and...

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