Insights - Paid Search (PPC)


Last minute tips for Black Friday

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is not the only phenomenon Philadelphia has given the world – the city is...

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Penguin, back and on good form

If you didn’t already know, Google announced it was rolling out its latest incarnation of the Penguin algorithm on the...

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Personalisation is the new optimisation

Businesses can now use personalised CRO to understand user behaviour, improve website performance and maximise the value of traffic. So...

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knowledge base header image on the right track

Is Your Search Marketing On The Right Track?

Advertisers are still wasting money and missing out on opportunities through poor tracking; but there are simple steps businesses can take...

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personalisation supplement

This time, it’s personal

There have never been more opportunities to connect with your audience in a meaningful and memorable way: personalisation has come...

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Augmented reality and the future of local advertising

The search marketing industry was buzzing about the potential for local advertising demonstrated by Pokémon Go’s initial runaway success –...

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Taking Advantage of AdWords’ New Responsive Display Ads

How AdWords’ new responsive display ads can open up opportunities for businesses of any size to take control of their brand’s...

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Pearls of wisdom from the Benchmark Search Conference 2016

In a day packed full of advice from search marketing thought leaders from across a wide array of sectors, there...

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The future’s bright, the future’s… green? The results are in on Google’s ad label colour change

Two months on from the change to green ad labels as an experiment, Google announced this week that a permanent...

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Click Consult Google Partner Header

Click Consult earns ‘Premier Google Partner’ status with an industry leading four specialisms

While there have been plenty of announcements following the release of the latest list of Google Partner certifications, Click Consult...

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The path to purchase

When you become involved in an industry, it’s difficult to avoid forgetting that some things remain a mystery to those...

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Click Consult reviews Google’s ad extensions – what, why and when?

Click Consult offers a break-down of the various types of ad extensions, what they are, and why and when you...

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Ad blockers & PPC – Turning a threat into an opportunity

It is estimated that 22% of over 18s currently use ad blocking software and a recent report by eMarketer suggests...

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loyalty killer

5 customer loyalty killers

It's a well-worn marketing adage that retaining loyal customers is less expensive than gaining new ones. So what are the key customer...

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PPC Q and A

PPC Q & A: The 7 most common things people want to know

We asked our Business Development Team the questions they most get asked about paid search (PPC) campaigns so we could...

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