Insights - Paid Search (PPC)

Paid search (PPC) – How to build an effective keyword list for your paid search campaign

Paid search (PPC) – How to build an effective keyword list for your paid search campaign

Effective keyword lists are the foundations for all of your paid search (PPC) campaigns. If your keyword lists have weaknesses,...

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New Google Analytics AdWords Treemaps Report

New Google Analytics AdWords Treemaps Report

In the upcoming weeks Google is rolling out an exciting new feature in Google Analytics, which is designed to provide...

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Enhancing your paid search (PPC) adverts through AdWords’ ‘callout extensions’

Enhance Your Paid Search (PPC) Adverts Through Adwords ‘Callout Extensions’

Google's latest addition to the search network extensions family has been released, offering you the opportunity to spotlight your brand's most...

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Changes to phrase and exact match in Google AdWords

Changes To Phrase And Exact Match In Google AdWords

It’s been noted as ‘the end of exact match’ and ‘the biggest change to AdWords since enhanced campaigns’, by many...

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carmen geek photo

It’s official: We’re the biggest geeks!

Well maybe we’re not the biggest geeks in the world but we are among the biggest… Earlier this year, Marin...

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Identifying and achieving the commercial targets of your website

It’s a bullseye! Identifying and achieving the commercial targets of your website

Those of us lucky enough to remember the outbreak of rumours surrounding the millennium bug in September 1999 and the...

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PPC advertising: reaching your target market through geographic targeting

PPC advertising: reaching your target market through geographic targeting

Using AdWords offers many benefits for businesses; it equips users with multiple options to help them to reach their target...

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Google Shopping

Google Updates Shopping Feed Specifications

Over the last year, the team at Google have worked tirelessly to make sure both retailers and consumers are getting...

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Google Brand Awareness

Google Ads increase brand awareness by 6.6%

A recently published study by Google and Ipsos MediaCT has helped to shed light on the [digital] age old question:...

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Google AdWords announces 10+ new features

Google AdWords Announces 10+ New Features

10+ new AdWords products, features, and research studies will be released, Google announced today. The new features, which the search...

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Google plans to apply “Not Provided” to paid search query data

Google plans to apply “Not Provided” to paid search query data

Last night, Google announced further changes to their user security features that currently result in around 80% of organic search...

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Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Have you bought something online recently or have you used the web to research a product before committing to a...

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3 Effective Ways to Drive Additional Revenue

3 effective ways to drive additional revenue with PPC in the January sales

Some of the best ways to drive additional revenue in the January sales is to ensure that your sales are...

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Bidding on brand keywords

3 Reasons You Should Be Bidding On Your Own Brand Keywords: PPC Strategy Tips

A common discussion we have with our clients is whether they should bid on their own brand keywords, or on...

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