Insights - Paid Search (PPC)

remarketing header

Remarketing, remarketing, remarketing

In this Knowledge Base we approach, with understandable caution, another key term in search marketing. Upon reaching a satisfactory nearness...

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hands holding a tablet

10 P.R.O. tips to help optimise your PPC potential

Today’s Knowledge Base takes some things for granted – if you have optimised your page, are producing great content and...

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lionel richie header image

Hello… is it me you’re looking for?

Lionel Richie has enjoyed an upsurge in popularity following his Glastonbury appearance earlier this summer, sending his 2003 greatest hits...

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whats the buzz about native ads

What’s the buzz about native ads?

Native ads have been with us for a while now, however, last year they started making headlines as the new...

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top 5 google analytics tips

Top 8 Google Analytics tips

An almanac of analytics wisdom as used by the Click team 1. Use custom dashboards Ben King, one of Click’s...

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Optimising for Google Shopping updates

Shoptimisation: Optimising for Google Shopping updates

Google Shopping has taken the world of ecommerce by storm since Product Listing Ads (PLAs) first appearing in search results...

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Bing Ads: Catching up or too far behind

Bing Ads: Catching up or too far behind?

Last week, we heard from a US-based Bing Account Manager about new paid search features available in beta across the...

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Beginner's Guide to Log File Analysis (2021)

Why everybody’s doing attribution analysis wrong

***Updated June 2016*** Ahead of his talk about maximising ad spend ROI at next month's Benchmark Search Conference, our Head...

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5 great ways to grow your social media audience - hero image

5 surefire ways to grow your social following

With over two billion active social media accounts in the world today, it’s no surprise that brands see social as...

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paid search attribution in gogle analytics

Attribution revolution

Evaluating the overall effect of ads has always been a tough cookie to crack Click's PPC team uses various systems...

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Social media content

How social media advertising works

Social media advertising is now a must for forward-looking firms. Although relatively new in the grand scheme of things, this...

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paid search checklist Blog

25 Questions To Ask Your PPC Campaign Manager – Step by Step Checklist

Getting to grips with paid search is now essential for every business that wants to improve their search engine visibility...

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Download our latest eBook – Paid Search Optimisation

Want to get the best return possible on your paid search (PPC) spend? Our latest eBook guides you through the...

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Will an Apple search engine bring down Google?

Web watchers were abuzz with speculation this weekend that Apple is planning to launch its own search tool to rival...

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anchors and algorithms

5 signs that you should outsource your search marketing

Search marketing can be a veritable minefield if you lack the relevant knowhow. Between continually changing Google algorithms and fluctuating...

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