Insights - Paid Search (PPC)

PPC Calculations Header

PPC Calculations

There are some key calculations involved in judging whether a PPC campaign has been a success - and though some...

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PPC Buyer's Journey

Understanding the PPC buyer’s journey

Even for those involved in paid search, the journey a buyer embarks upon before reaching the point of conversion can...

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RAR rankings name Click Consult the 7th Best Agency in the North West of England

In a top 100 dominated by the South-East and specifically London, there are some areas of the North holding their...

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Click Consult appointed by etyres and truprint

Truprint & etyres join our growing client list

We've started 2016 on a high, having won two new household-name clients: etyres (SEO) and Truprint (PPC) Click Consult has been selected...

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A guide to hiring a PPC agency

A guide to hiring a PPC agency

There’s a lot more to PPC (pay per click) than simple text ads. It's a specialism in its own right...

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Knowledge Base Header

Writing effective ad copy

As we’ve been dealing with PPC ads in the blog lately, we’ve received a number of questions regarding the theory...

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Wheels coming off eCommerce

5 ways to avoid eCommerce failure

Although eCommerce is a vital part of business in the modern online world, there are a few things you need...

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Best Practices for AdWords Header

Best practices for: AdWords

The manner in which Google determines the position of paid advertisements is sometimes tough to grasp, so here we’ll discuss...

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Jargon 101: bringing the outside in

Jargon gets a bad name – but is it all bad, or is there something about jargon and industry specific...

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QA PPC trends Blog

Q & A: 2016 trends for paid search (PPC)

Click Consult's Head of Paid Search, Dave Karellen, answers our burning questions on the 12 months ahead for paid search......

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SEO Crystal Ball

Click Consult digests top predictions from industry influencers

Prediction season is well underway, and with 2016 trend articles popping up everywhere Click Consult has decided to bring you...

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carmen geek photo

Carmen’s the 4th Biggest Social Geek in the world

Carmen's officially the UK's biggest female social media boffin When SocialPro and Marin Software launched a worldwide search for the Biggest...

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Ask the expert Carmen Jones

As a digital advertiser, what does ad blocking mean for my business?

It’s become a subject of much debate in the media, but do ad blockers mean that online advertising has had...

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5 things about bing shopping

5 things about Bing Shopping

Bing Shopping Campaigns have been running in the US for some time and are now available to UK advertisers Online...

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Google-Yahoo deal

What To Expect From The Google-Yahoo Deal

Yahoo recently announced that it has agreed a new deal to send a portion of its search traffic to Google;...

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