Insights - Organic Search (SEO)


A marketer’s guide to SEO audits

Whether you’re newly responsible for a site’s ongoing SEO or are starting an SEO project from scratch, knowing where to...

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This month in search marketing: April 2021

The latest search and digital marketing news brought to you by Click Consult... Thursday, 22nd April Microsoft Advertising Partner Summit...

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We’ve opened up our core web vitals cheat sheet!

The core web vitals update is due in May, and while we're not expecting huge changes immediately, the signals this...

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Youniversity – how federated learning will change search

Potentially revolutionary, definitely an antitrust lawsuit waiting to happen, federated learning is Google’s machine learning answer to the personalised internet...

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A simple guide to writing web content for SEO

Whether you are a business looking to improve your SEO performance, or a professional working in the industry, it will...

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This month in search marketing: March 2021

The latest search and digital marketing news brought to you by Click Consult... Tuesday, 30th March Pick up and delivery...

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Life after lockdown: What are people looking forward to based on Google search trends?

Life after lockdown: What are people looking forward to based on Google search trends?

21st June is now the date many of us are counting down to after the Government announced on Monday 22nd...

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Impact of digital on future marketing strategies

The economic challenges faced in 2020 as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic are still being felt in early...

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5 ways to target your content better

Creating meaningful, authentic, lasting connections is one of the main objectives of digital marketing, where the focus is on offering...

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Tackling the problem of measuring digital marketing effectiveness

For an industry that perpetually preaches about breaking down silos, digital tends to neglect the same holistic approach to measuring...

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This month in search marketing: February 2021

The latest search and digital marketing news brought to you by Click Consult... Friday, 24th February URL structure can help...

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Shop Improvement and SEO for Etsy

Etsy is one of the world's largest, and fastest growing eCommerce platforms. It has a particular focus on helping small...

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Risk and reward – growing a business online during a pandemic

By now you’re probably sick of hearing about the pandemic. 2020 was a difficult year for businesses and, indeed, the...

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Our top Social Media trends for 2021

After extensive research at the end of 2020, we put together a variety of predictions for the coming year in...

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Our top PPC trends for 2021

After extensive research at the end of 2020, we put together a variety of predictions for the coming year in...

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