Insights - Organic Search (SEO)

How Black Hat SEOs hack websites for SEO benefit

How Black Hat SEOs hack websites for SEO benefit

At Click Consult, the final week of July started with a message from Google Search Console, informing us that one...

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top 5 google analytics tips

Top 8 Google Analytics tips

An almanac of analytics wisdom as used by the Click team 1. Use custom dashboards Ben King, one of Click’s...

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Our campaign’s in the Online Retail Awards final

LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor were delighted with the commercial results Click's SEO and outreach campaign delivered... ... now our innovative search strategy...

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Top 4 on-page SEO mistakes & how to fix them

Gone are the days (ie, the 90s and the 2000s) when the search engine Gods accepted offerings such as keyword...

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Mobilegeddon hero image

Google’s Mobile Algorithm Update…Not The End Of The World?

A month on and the smoke has cleared: has Google's mobile algorithm justified all the hype? In February this year,...

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Recent changes to Google rankings – the Quality Update

The ‘Quality Update’ & Changes To Google Rankings

At the beginning of May, we began to notice some changes to Google rankings. Since then, we’ve been working to...

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Has the secured loan industry been hit by Googles Payday Loans updates

Has the secured loans industry been hit by Google’s Payday Loans updates?

The secured loans market is predicted to double in size to over £1billion within the next three years, according to...

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Pet care companies on the SERPs

In the UK, we are a nation of pet lovers and as such the pet care industries are big business....

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Mobile is here!

On the 26th February 2015, Google rocked the SEO world by announcing that they would be releasing an algorithm update...

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Sports supplements on the SERPs

In today’s industry analysis, we'll be looking at the organic search performance of the sports and bodybuilding supplements online marketplace. In particular,...

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The time and the place: SEO insights for watch retailers

With recent news coverage of various smart watches entering the market, it reminds us all that watches are big business....

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Which travel insurer is winning on the SERPs?

The vast majority of us spend a significant amount of time throughout the year fantasy shopping online and planning our...

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Go compare the car insurance market

The term ‘car insurance’ is one of the most highly contested in the SEO industry, with some of the country’s...

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Debt management companies: Whose search strategy is paying off?

Debt is a worry for most of us at some point in our lives. We all think we can manage...

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E-cigs: Whose search visibility has gone up in smoke?

In 2005, British businessman Greg Carson launched the first ‘Electro Fag’ onto the market as an alternative to conventional cigarettes...

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