Insights - Organic Search (SEO)


RAR rankings name Click Consult the 7th Best Agency in the North West of England

In a top 100 dominated by the South-East and specifically London, there are some areas of the North holding their...

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Click Consult appointed by etyres and truprint

Truprint & etyres join our growing client list

We've started 2016 on a high, having won two new household-name clients: etyres (SEO) and Truprint (PPC) Click Consult has been selected...

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Jargon 101: bringing the outside in

Jargon gets a bad name – but is it all bad, or is there something about jargon and industry specific...

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A beginner’s guide to Google’s algorithm – Google’s greatest hits

In conjunction with the release of our comprehensive guide to the Google Algorithm, Click Consult have put together a quick...

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SEO Crystal Ball

Click Consult digests top predictions from industry influencers

Prediction season is well underway, and with 2016 trend articles popping up everywhere Click Consult has decided to bring you...

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10 ways header

10 ways to blog

As social media and brand interaction grow ever more important, questions arise as to how a brand can make their...

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5 seo trends in 2016 blog

5 SEO trends to watch in 2016

As Google gets smarter in 2016, businesses will need to follow suit, so here are our predictions for this year's...

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Google Panda misconceptions

Google Panda Updates & Penalty – Frequently Asked Questions

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How To Recover From Penguin Penalty – Frequently Asked Questions

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The year in search – 2015

It's flown by, but 2015 has been a big year for search - with at least 5 algorithm updates, a...

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Searchmetrics’ Shyam Dattani on search trends for 2016

We asked Shyam Dattani, a digital marketing specialist at search insights provider Searchmetrics, his views on the biggest search trends for 2016...

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Outreach 101

Outreach 101

Otherwise known as ‘influencer marketing’, outreach became a vital part of a link building strategy as social media and blogging...

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A Beginner's guide to data-driven SEO

What is data-driven SEO?

The term 'data-driven' is one you will see appearing with increasing regularity in all areas of marketing, and one which...

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Why your site structure is so important

Why your site structure is so important

Site navigation: structure, XML maps, link juice and more... Navigability is an important part of both the customer journey and...

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A guide to hiring an SEO agency

A guide to hiring an SEO agency

When your search marketing needs outgrow your in-house skill-set or capacity, engaging an agency can be a cost effective and flexible...

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