Insights - Organic Search (SEO)

search beyond the keyword - AI and image recognition

Search beyond the keyword: AI and image recognition

Thinking about the future is a frustrating experience. The future mocks us, dangling the carrot of technological advancement on a long...

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Ted Talks hero image

Click Consult reviews the top 10 most viewed marketing TED talks

TED boasts that they are about ‘ideas worth spreading’ – and, at Click Consult, we have to agree. With such...

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transparency in SEO

Who should you take on your SEO journey?

Our Head of Account Management Simon Buckland explores the true value of transparency in a client's relationship with their SEO...

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Updated Google Quality Rater Guidelines

Updated Google Quality Rater Guidelines

Stuart Jones, Senior Organic Search Strategist at Click Consult, reviews Google's recent updates to its Quality Rater Guidelines and summarises...

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Flogas Header

Click Consult to provide search marketing services for Flogas

The list of high profile clients putting their trust in Click Consult grows again, with industry leading LPG and energy...

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Benchmark Search Conference

We are fast approaching Click Consult’s ‘Benchmark Search Conference’ 2016

At Click Consult, we’re passionate about search marketing – and from the success of last year’s event, we know you...

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5 top tips to develop a content marketing strategy

Following on from our in depth dissection of content marketing strategy, we have drawn up a fantastic infographic for you...

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Personalisation before price: We are all individuals

Click Consult’s research reveals that consumer loyalty is won by appealing to individuals more than through bargains It’s a subject...

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Marketing Announcement Blog Header

The evolution of modern search marketing

What is sometimes underplayed by search marketing agencies and departments, and often overlooked from the outside, is that there is...

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Content Marketing Knowledge Base Header

Content marketing – how to survive in a world of free, unbranded content

It is altogether too easy for content to drown in a sea of other offerings, and with individuals online creating...

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Google Analytics tips – setting up a ‘dashboard’

Though all views in Google Analytics have a default ‘My Dashboard’, there is real utility in the creation of a...

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Click Consult’s campaigns make the list for the Performance Marketing Awards

Having been leading the way in the increasingly important field of campaign marketing, Click Consult’s efforts are paying dividends for...

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How will the changes to Google’s ad layout affect paid search performance?

On Friday 19th February, Google announced that ads will no longer show on the right sidebar for desktop search results...

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Googles Webmaster Guidelines image

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines: What the updates mean

The latest updates to Google's Webmaster Guidelines, which are designed to give greater clarity to site owners about what Google is looking...

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Google Terminator Header

Google to attempt to combat extremism and radicalisation

With increased acknowledgement from world governments that much of the radicalisation that takes place does so online, Google’s own Doctor...

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