Insights - Organic Search (SEO)


Push notifications

Push notifications are a double edged sword, easy to get wrong, but a fantastic opportunity – should brands be taking...

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Understanding local SEO 101

When it comes to SEO, the team here at Click Consult take the matter very seriously. As experts we operate...

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Maximising communications with your search marketing agency

Ali Donnelly is one of Click Consult's Key Account Managers and has worked with some of the world’s leading eCommerce and...

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Q & A: Latest SEO Trends

Our Head of SEO Strategy Chris Rowlands has over nine years’ experience in SEO, he honed his strategic, technical and campaign...

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SEO methodologies to apply to your marketing strategy_Blog Header

SEO and accessibility – we could, and should, be doing more

Accessibility on various devices has already entered into the ranking signals for Google, but there is nothing similar for accessibility...

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The march of the Penguin

Making its first appearance on the 24th of April 2012, the Penguin algorithm update was one of Google’s most important...

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Penguin 4.0: The wait is over, Penguin finally part of core algorithm.

Official Google Webmaster blog has announced that latest update to Penguin incorporates it into the core algorithm In a post...

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Click Consult wins award for LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor Campaign

The fantastic work by Click Consult’s experts in search has been recognised at the inaugural Northern E-Commerce Awards Producing results...

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On-page optimisation 101

By ‘on-page’, for the purposes of discussing technical optimisation, it is not the brand’s consumer viewable content, but the so-called...

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Augmented reality and the future of local advertising

The search marketing industry was buzzing about the potential for local advertising demonstrated by Pokémon Go’s initial runaway success –...

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Best practices for planning CRO conversion rate optimisation

Best practices for planning CRO (conversion rate optimisation)

If your website's getting plenty of traffic, but relatively few conversions, chances are are that you need to make some...

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The Click Consult Traffic Drop Troubleshooter has landed!

Google’s algorithm never sleeps, and sometimes it can cause sleeplessness in others – but why have you noticed that drop...

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Analytics and content marketing – what to look for and where

It’s sometimes difficult to know what content is working when a brand first embarks on a content marketing campaign, but...

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You won’t believe these 5 helpful hints for creating (non-clickbait) clickable headlines!

How much simpler things were for headline writers in the halcyon days of July this year, but with a new...

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We’ll be cooking on gas with our new SEO client

Click Consult has been selected to drive the SEO strategy for Glen Dimplex Home Appliances’ Belling brand Global manufacturer Glen...

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