Insights - Organic Search (SEO)

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Google Analytics spam – getting a clean view

In Part 1 of our 'Tackling GA spam' series, we examined the hot topic of language spam, what it is,...

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How to optimise for voice search – SEO best practice can prepare you for the future of search

There is little doubting that voice search will one day overtake that entered in to a search bar, but even...

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Dealing with language spam in Google Analytics

Noticed your referral sessions are up and spotted a sinister looking culprit in your GA language report? Then it’s likely...

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Search marketing in 2017 [predictions infographic]

2016 has – at last – come and gone. We can look forward to a continuation of Click Consult’s 2016...

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The evolution of influencer marketing  

As we’re sure you have heard, two of the most significant developments in the last 18 months have been the...

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Best practices for reputation management

Businesses across the UK and indeed around the world are constantly vying for a larger share of their market. They...

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How to make sure Google knows about your content

How to make sure Google knows about your content

Spending lots of time creating online content, but not getting the visibility you want? Make sure you're doing the following...

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Icelolly’s brand bidding journey – a Benchmark 2016 talk review

One of the most actionable talks given at the conference, Arianne Donohue presented part case study, part tutorial on one...

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SEOs are missing the point of Google’s Mobile-First index

Try Googling ‘Mobile-First’ right now, and you’ll be met with a bunch of websites which regurgitate exactly the same thing...

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Click Consult makes it five ‘recommended services’ from the RAR

Continuing a fantastically successful year, Click Consult have added Content Marketing and Content Strategy/Creation to their (client review based) RAR...

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Marketing lessons from Donald Trump

“We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we...

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Last minute tips for Black Friday

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is not the only phenomenon Philadelphia has given the world – the city is...

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Penguin, back and on good form

If you didn’t already know, Google announced it was rolling out its latest incarnation of the Penguin algorithm on the...

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Understanding content marketing – ten tips to follow

When it comes to industry specific language, the marketing world is often out on its own in terms of coining...

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Google moves to Mobile-First indexing

Google's algorithms will start using websites' mobile versions, rather than their desktop versions, for ranking sites in searches With internet...

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