Insights - Organic Search (SEO)


Benchmark Search Conference 2018

With a brand new venue and welcoming a new host, Benchmark returned to Manchester twice as large and just as...

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How to: use “id”s with your header tags to link to sub-sections

If you’re writing in-depth articles or how-to blogs, it’s sometimes a good idea to give readers a way to skip...

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Why Google Quality Rater Guidelines are vital for boosting performance

If you want to get anywhere in search then it helps to keep Google on side. The search engine, as...

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Cross device browsing and User-ID in Google Analytics

We all know the importance of having a fully optimised website and the role this has on building a positive...

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Knowledge Base – Deep links and app indexing

Strangely for us, this is one of the few areas that we haven’t really covered in terms of search marketing...

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Growing business through clear SEO strategy

For businesses, getting their strategy right can be the difference between success and failure. We ask Click Consult's Head of...

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Conversational search and query variants

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, voice search is growing and it is now a cornerstone of...

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Discovering search terms in Search Console – 101

While you can spend as long as you like attempting to rank for keywords you want consumers to find you...

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Google Speed Update is now live!

The day finally arrived and Google has announced that their Speed Update would roll out to all users from yesterday...

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Binary and beyond – Using natural language processing in a successful SEO strategy

Language, content, search marketing – the three go hand in hand and without one you can’t have the others. The...

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Structured data and schema extensions will play a vital role in the future of search

Following the announcement by Bing at SMX advanced that they would begin support to debug and view JSON-LD markup in...

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Changing data retention settings in Google Analytics

While for many brands, the 26 month default retention limit will suffice, it can affect your ability to carry out...

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3 ways social media can boost organic traffic

While Google maintains 'social signals' don't directly impact on rankings, it's one of the best methods for boosting organic referral...

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Taking stock, which trends from our 2018 predictions have come true?

At the start of the year we published a blog looking at the trends and developments to look out for...

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Thinking about thinking – can metacognition help us develop better marketing strategies?

As has lately been the case, this blog is being written because it’s a question I wanted an answer to,...

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