Insights - Organic Search (SEO)

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SEO In Focus: 2020 Predictions

As the most wonderful time of the year fades in to memory – with secret Santa gifts all exchanged, and...

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Search and digital marketing trends 2020 – Infographic

When it comes to your search marketing strategy, there are many different ways to ensure success and one of them...

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Digital Marketing News in September 2021

This week in search marketing [16/12/2019]

With just over a week to go until Christmas, the search marketing industry shows no signs of slowing down just...

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How BERT will affect content in the future

Search is about understanding language... Google must constantly work to improve its technology and make their search results as relevant...

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Understanding The Search And Digital Marketing Industry

When it comes to digital and search marketing one of the main questions that often gets asked is what is...

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Josh Hardwick ‘How to Start a Link Building Campaign in 15 Minutes (Without Spamming)’ – Benchmark Search & Digital Conference 2019 ’ Talk – Benchmark 2019 Reviewed

On his first outing at the Benchmark Search and Digital Marketing Conference, Hardwick gave an excellent and entertaining talk on...

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Richard Wallis – Structured Data: It’s All about the Graph, Benchmark 2019 Talk Review

With more than 20 years working in and advising on information architecture, Wallis is a leading voice in what has...

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Capturing the Millennial (Gen Y) Market – The Importance of Non-Brand SEO

Capturing the Millennial (Gen Y) Market – The Importance of Non-Brand SEO

The subject of marketing to Millennials is one of the most well covered topics in marketing over the last few...

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This week in search marketing [11/11/2019]

Another week, another week in search, here we bring you the roundup of everything, SEO, PPC, Social and more… Wednesday...

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What is quality content?

While we are often told to create 'quality content', the advice on what quality actually is is a little thinner...

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Martin Williams ‘Do We Learn More from Our SEO Failures than Our Successes?’ Talk – Benchmark 2019 Reviewed

SEO Manager for, Martin Williams took to the Benchmark stage in 2019 to discuss how big brands can learn...

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This week in search marketing [28/10/2019]

It cannot have passed you by, if you work in search, that on Friday last week, Google announced that it...

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Lukasz Zelezny’s SEO Tactics to Implement Tonight – Benchmark 2019 reviewed

Lukasz, an SEO Consultant who previously worked at, began by apologising if his talk  - was rushed, only he...

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Walkthrough – Google My Business

Registering and regularly updating your Google My Business (GMB) page gives your brand free SERPs exposure and an opportunity to...

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Victoria Olsina ‘How Blockchain Will Impact Search Engines’ Talk – Benchmark 2019 Reviewed

SEO Manager for Consensys and Edinburgh Festival stand-up, Olsina took to the Benchmark stage in 2019 for her second appearance....

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