Insights - Industry News

mobile first indexing header

Google moves to Mobile-First indexing

Google's algorithms will start using websites' mobile versions, rather than their desktop versions, for ranking sites in searches With internet...

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The march of the Penguin

Making its first appearance on the 24th of April 2012, the Penguin algorithm update was one of Google’s most important...

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Click Consult up for 5 Digital Experience Awards

We're pleased to announce we've reached the finals of the Digital Experience Awards 2016 – in 5 categories We're finalists in...

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Penguin 4.0: The wait is over, Penguin finally part of core algorithm.

Official Google Webmaster blog has announced that latest update to Penguin incorporates it into the core algorithm In a post...

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Taking Advantage of AdWords’ New Responsive Display Ads

How AdWords’ new responsive display ads can open up opportunities for businesses of any size to take control of their brand’s...

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The future’s bright, the future’s… green? The results are in on Google’s ad label colour change

Two months on from the change to green ad labels as an experiment, Google announced this week that a permanent...

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Click Consult Google Partner Header

Click Consult earns ‘Premier Google Partner’ status with an industry leading four specialisms

While there have been plenty of announcements following the release of the latest list of Google Partner certifications, Click Consult...

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We’ve won an award for our Oxfam campaign!

High quality content assets, a holistic approach and devotion to the client brand made our work on Oxfam Unwrapped one of...

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What is Mobile First?

Mobile First represents the next era in mobile search marketing, adapting Google’s recent 'moments' concept and giving it some context....

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Shopping ads to appear in mobile image searches

Shopping ads to appear in mobile image searches

As Google introduces Shopping ads to mobile image searches, can a picture paint a thousand words for marketers? Hot on...

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Click Consult reviews from clients lead to shortlisting for ‘effectiveness’ by RAR

Following the collection and collation of client feedback and reviews by the Recommended Agency Register, Click Consult has been shortlisted...

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search beyond the keyword - AI and image recognition

Search beyond the keyword: AI and image recognition

Thinking about the future is a frustrating experience. The future mocks us, dangling the carrot of technological advancement on a long...

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Click Consult reviews the top 10 most viewed marketing TED talks

TED boasts that they are about ‘ideas worth spreading’ – and, at Click Consult, we have to agree. With such...

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Updated Google Quality Rater Guidelines

Updated Google Quality Rater Guidelines

Stuart Jones, Senior Organic Search Strategist at Click Consult, reviews Google's recent updates to its Quality Rater Guidelines and summarises...

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Click Consult to provide search marketing services for Flogas

The list of high profile clients putting their trust in Click Consult grows again, with industry leading LPG and energy...

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