Insights - Content Marketing & Digital PR

Content Marketing Knowledge Base Header

Content marketing – how to survive in a world of free, unbranded content

It is altogether too easy for content to drown in a sea of other offerings, and with individuals online creating...

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PMA header image

Click Consult’s campaigns make the list for the Performance Marketing Awards

Having been leading the way in the increasingly important field of campaign marketing, Click Consult’s efforts are paying dividends for...

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How to be an outreach superstar

How to be an outreach superstar

Outreach is a powerful way to expose your brand to relevant audiences, create a buzz around your brand and develop...

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A beginner’s guide to Google’s algorithm – Google’s greatest hits

In conjunction with the release of our comprehensive guide to the Google Algorithm, Click Consult have put together a quick...

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SEO Crystal Ball

Click Consult digests top predictions from industry influencers

Prediction season is well underway, and with 2016 trend articles popping up everywhere Click Consult has decided to bring you...

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10 ways header

10 ways to blog

As social media and brand interaction grow ever more important, questions arise as to how a brand can make their...

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how to plan your content

How to plan your content

Content marketing has become so mainstream in the UK that 30% of companies employ content professionals in-house, according to research on...

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Successful social sharing part 2

Best practices for sharing on social media – Part 2

Social sharing is one of the most powerful ways of increasing the reach of your content. Here's Part 2 in...

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Year in social media

Best practices for sharing on social media – Part 1

The power of sharing is what sets social media apart from other marketing channels. When someone shares your post, they're...

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Brand story header

Developing a brand story

‘Brand story’ is another of those buzz phrases that seem to bubble to the surface with little or no explanation,...

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Content marketing eBook

Creating conversations: Introducing our new content marketing eBook

Is content marketing just a buzz phrase? The expression may be new but, since Michelin launched its guide to help drivers...

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100% Pure

Authenticity in content marketing

Unfortunately you can't buy authenticity - but that's okay, you already have it 'Of undisputed origin and not a copy;...

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Knowledge Base over a Coffee

Rich, creamy and satisfying content marketing

Nescafé has consistently been ahead of the game in terms of content marketing and positioning, so what can their move...

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8 tips for writing content that Google loves

8 tips for writing content that Google loves

In its quest to return the most relevant and useful results to answer users’ queries, Google rewards those who provide...

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Goonies for grown ups

The Goonies for grown-ups

The Goonies has the dual accolade of having been a box office hit and enduring cult classic, and this year...

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