Insights - Content Marketing & Digital PR

Perfect creative brief

The perfect creative brief

The perfect creative brief looks like a Ron Mueck sculpture. It’s hyper detailed. Every possible thought a client may have...

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Here comes the science bit: How to write clear content on complex topics

In a recent video, Google’s chief webspam warrior Matt Cutts tackled a question that many content writers, especially those working...

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Grammar mistakes that will grind an editor’s gears

Common grammar mistakes that will grind an editor’s gears

You’ve been blogging since 1998. Your website copy is the most informative in your industry. Your last white paper could...

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Digital Marketing News in September 2021

5 simple steps to writing and marketing the best copy for your brand

In a cyber-world dominated by dancing cat videos, celebrity melt-downs and Google knows what else, how is a modern digital...

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How to secure the future of guest blogs

Do you rely heavily on guest blogs? Are you currently running for the hills? Stop For a long time now,...

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8 best practices for writing content

8 best practices for writing content

Have you seen our content marketing blog post on The Drum website yet? If you're looking to enhance your content...

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The demise of fluffy online content

The demise of fluffy online content

Content and link farms are dead. No longer is a vast quantity of barely legible, keyword-packed writing going to bring...

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Seven key things your content brief needs to include

You are in need of top quality content and have writers waiting for your brief, keyboards at the ready and...

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Great Content Marketing

How to produce great content like they do in the movies

When you've had a hard day making amazing, informative and shareable content, the cinema is an excellent place to escape...

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How to develop a voice for your web content

How to develop a voice for your web content

When writing content, it needs to grab people’s attention. It needs to be engaging and needs to encourage people to...

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David Olgivy

8 Things You Can Learn from David Ogilvy

Born in England in 1911, David Ogilvy was a man who was hailed in the 1960s as “the Father of...

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