Insights - Analytics

Twitter Coin

Are recent changes designed to make Twitter profitable?

Recent changes to the social media platform have drawn its users’ ire, but are they the latest in a line...

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top 5 google analytics tips

Top 8 Google Analytics tips

An almanac of analytics wisdom as used by the Click team 1. Use custom dashboards Ben King, one of Click’s...

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Beginner's Guide to Log File Analysis (2021)

Why everybody’s doing attribution analysis wrong

***Updated June 2016*** Ahead of his talk about maximising ad spend ROI at next month's Benchmark Search Conference, our Head...

Read Article search visibility performance review

How lost organic search visibility & how it should bounce back

Here at Click, we’re used to analysing the statistics of websites that have struggled with search engine visibility and identifying...

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A Penguin is for life, not just for Christmas

A Penguin is for life, not just for Christmas

Be warned. Your social feeds will have exploded and your sense of Christmas has just taken that final step into...

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New Google Analytics AdWords Treemaps Report

New Google Analytics AdWords Treemaps Report

In the upcoming weeks Google is rolling out an exciting new feature in Google Analytics, which is designed to provide...

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What good email marketing looks like

Growing your brand in the inbound marketing revolution

Effective modern marketing is all about connecting with customers and prospects across the devices and platforms they prefer It's about...

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