
Google Search Results

The end of search as we know it: Google forced to delete irrelevant links from search results

Individuals now have the right to control what is published about them on the web and ask search engines to...

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knowledge base header library books

Google update algorithm to target ‘payday loans’ and other ‘spammy queries’

A new search update has been released to target “very spammy queries” such as ‘payday loans’ and other phrases typically...

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5 reasons your sales pitch isn’t working

Almost everything your business does online will be a pitch to some degree. Your websites, your social media pages and...

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What is metadata and why do you need to know?

In the first of our "What is?" series, freelance writer Adam Howes outlines what metadata is, what it is used...

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Prolific North Awards 2014

Click Consult at The Prolific North Awards 2014

My fellow Marketing Executive needs to brew up, pronto. Those of us who attended last night's Prolific North awards are...

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What is outreach and why should I be using it

Blogger outreach Q&A – What is outreach and why should I be using it?

Blogger outreach. It helps to create a buzz around your brand, turn website visitors into customers and boost your online...

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Facebook clamps down on spam

Facebook can be a great tool for companies, helping them to communicate with their target audiences and to raise awareness...

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Click Consult Claire House Pay for a Day

Click Consult pay for a day of care at Claire House

If you cast your mind back to February this year, you might remember our blog post about how we baked,...

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8 cool things you can do on Google

I love geeks. I particularly love the ones over at Google (who we’re partnered with, by the way). Not only...

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Link Building Through Outreach

Our latest e-book is now available for download: Link Building Through Content Marketing

Good news! We’re pleased to announce that our latest e-book, ‘Link Building Through Content Marketing’ is now available for you...

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Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

Pinterest becomes a retail sales goldmine

After a Pinterest-driven surge in sales within the retail sector, the pinboard-style image sharing site has become a goldmine for...

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Gmail rolls out new one-click unsubscribe button

Gmail rolls out new one-click unsubscribe button. What does this mean for e-marketers?

Gmail users can now unsubscribe from unwanted emails in one click, without even leaving the Gmail interface, Google has announced...

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CRO changes

CRO: 3 simple website changes to boost online revenue

Looking to improve your website's conversion rates and boost your online revenue? There's one very effective, simple way of going...

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Prolific North Top 50 Click Consult 2014

Click Consult ranked as one of Prolific North’s Top 15 Digital Agencies of 2014

Just under two months into 2014 and we've only gone and bagged another award to add to our collection! Indeed, Prolific...

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Digital Marketing News in September 2021

5 simple steps to writing and marketing the best copy for your brand

In a cyber-world dominated by dancing cat videos, celebrity melt-downs and Google knows what else, how is a modern digital...

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