
Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Retailers, are you making the most of online?

Have you bought something online recently or have you used the web to research a product before committing to a...

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Here comes the science bit: How to write clear content on complex topics

In a recent video, Google’s chief webspam warrior Matt Cutts tackled a question that many content writers, especially those working...

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Google takes action on Polish link networks

Google takes action on Polish link networks

As part of Google’s continued effort to crack down on international spam, its Head of Webspam, Matt Cutts has announced...

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The future’s bright, the future’s inbound

The future’s bright, the future’s inbound

With Click’s very own founder and CEO, Matt Bullas, predicting that inbound marketing will revolutionise the digital industry in 2014...

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Grammar mistakes that will grind an editor’s gears

Common grammar mistakes that will grind an editor’s gears

You’ve been blogging since 1998. Your website copy is the most informative in your industry. Your last white paper could...

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Claire House two days

Click Consult’s fundraising keeps Claire House children’s hospice running for two days

Here at Click Consult, we love a challenge Whether it’s running a Facebook competition for a high-profile client or navigating...

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Digital Impact Awards header image

Forget the Oscars: 5 reasons to enter business awards instead

There you are under the spotlight, thanking your mother, your father, your fantastic production team and your dog Matthew McConaughey...

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David Olgivy

8 Things You Can Learn from David Ogilvy

Born in England in 1911, David Ogilvy was a man who was hailed in the 1960s as “the Father of...

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