
January detox – for body, mind and website!

That extra mince pie seemed like a good idea at the time… But with a new year comes new promises...

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Knowledge Base Google Plus

10 five-minute tips to transform your Google+ experience

After a rocky start Google+ now boasts over 500 million global users and is the second largest social network on...

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Seven key things your content brief needs to include

You are in need of top quality content and have writers waiting for your brief, keyboards at the ready and...

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How Search & PR can work together

Every day a journalist’s inbox is filled with press releases. Badly written ones and well-written ones, relevant and completely irrelevant,...

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Social Media Strategy

Finding that perfect social blend

Are you a follower, or do you want to be followed? It’s one of the biggest conundrums that businesses face...

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Targeting keywords should no longer be your main reason for blogging

Allow me to immediately clarify my title. Keywords and optimisation still is, and always will be, hugely important for online...

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SEO and Coronation Street

10 Things That the SEO Industry Has In Common With Coronation Street

I am a Coronation Street addict. I’m out and I’m proud. Like many growing up in a household in the...

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Great Content Marketing

How to produce great content like they do in the movies

When you've had a hard day making amazing, informative and shareable content, the cinema is an excellent place to escape...

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Social media by Justin Bieber- why it won’t work for all

With over 47 million followers on Twitter (around one million more people than live in Spain), would it be fair...

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Google Hummingbird Retail

On the biggest day of retail, Google gave to me. . . Hummingbird???

Many retailers are still reeling from the soar in online sales over the biggest dates in the shopping calendar Notorious...

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Easter eggs: Proof that programmers have a sense of humour

We all love the chocolatey goodness that gets passed around each Easter, but there is a different kind of Easter...

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How to develop a voice for your web content

How to develop a voice for your web content

When writing content, it needs to grab people’s attention. It needs to be engaging and needs to encourage people to...

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A guide to the 301 redirect and the canonical tag

A guide to the 301 redirect and the canonical tag

There is a lot of coverage of this topic across the search engine optimisation blogging and forum world, and I...

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Google Hummingbird: What is it and what does it mean for you?

First we had Panda. Then we got Penguin. Now Google’s announced its latest animal based algorithm update; Hummingbird. So, from...

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The Small Business Guide to Getting Started on Facebook for Free

Creating a page for your brand on Facebook is really easy. Below, we’ve broken the process down into four steps....

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