5 amazing things you didn’t know you could do on Twitter

Aug 6th, 2015

While we wait to see how its roll-out of ‘click to buy‘ buttons pans out, here’s some interesting stuff you may not know you can do on Twitter…

1. Create a photo collage

You can upload up to 4 images to a tweet, which Twitter displays collage-style:

click twitter collage taste cheshire twitter collage

Although the functionality doesn’t extend much beyond that, there are ways to get creative with a bit of patience and planning, such as Mashable intern Brian Koeber’s experiment that made it appear as though he was playing catch with himself:

mashable twitter collage

2. Take advantage of the powerful search function

Search for a phrase by putting it in quotes, eg, “click consult

Use AND or OR

Exclude a word

Find tweets to or from a specific person

Narrow results by area

or even

Use since: and until: to search between two dates

“click consult” since:2015-01-01 until:2015-07-20

3 Tag people in photos

You can tag up to 10 people and it doesn’t affect your character count.

tag people in a twitter post

4. Research and analyse hashtags

… to identify the most appropriate and powerful for your tweets. Tools such as Topsy.com and Hashtagify.me, which show you which hashtags are popular and how they’re being used over certain periods of time.

5. Analyse your activity and traffic

Twitter has now rolled out its native analytics platform for all users so now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter.

You can also use analytics visualisation platforms such as SocialBro and Twitonomy

Bonus tip

Google has started to index tweets, which means they can show up in search results.

While this is great news for marketers and show-offs, if you’d prefer to minimise or remove the exposure of your tweets to the Googlesphere, Twitter has some recommendations for amending your profile details or protecting your tweets.

Are these Twitter tips too easy-peasy for you? Feel free to add your own in the comments section below, or tweet them to us at @ClickConsultLtd

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